According to Thai Traditional Medicine, back pain can be caused by many factors, e.g. poor posture, incorrect sleep patterns and digestive problems which cause excess gastric gas. Back pain needs to be correctly diagnosed by a Tradition Thai Medical Practioner or Western Trained Doctor.
Back pain negatively affects one’s daily life. Normally, back pain caused by certain repeated movements, without serious injury, will gradually recover on its own, or by self-massaging, or by doing Yoga and avoiding the activity which caused the pain in the first place. To prevent any serious injury, it is recommended to use the Herbal Heating Ball to gently massage the muscle groups, or to use the Ampii Heating Herbal Pack to help improve the blood circulation in the affected muscle groups.
Ginger and Amomum Biflorum Jack are absorbed through the skin into the muscles to help ease pain and to reduce inflammation. Inhaling Lemon Grass and Lemon Balm aromas energizes and eases tension.